Νέα & Ανακοινώσεις

Tour2Include: The second day of our Learning Teaching Training Activity ended

The second day of our Learning Teaching Training Activity ended under #HOPE and #Tour2Include projects has successfully come to an end.

Today the participants worked in smaller groups in order to identify the ideal profile of an Intercultural #Educator, giving their personal input and sharing their personal #experiences. Also, our two amazing guest speakers, Ms. Froso Vakali - Greek as a Second Language Teacher and Ms. Roos Bastiaan, Activities Coordinator - Ιrida Women's Center shared with us their thoughts, ideas, experiences as well as #good_practices that apply in their everyday work in order to achieve an inclusive inter-and #multicultural environment in their centers.

Thank you so much for your participation and stay tuned for the final day of our training event tomorrow!
Περισσότερα σε αυτή την κατηγορία: « Tour2Include updates! 1st meeting of the Erasmus+ Project 'Cooking Cultures' »


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