Νέα & Ανακοινώσεις

Kick-off meeting of the Erasmus+ Tour2Include Project


The six partner organizations from Germany, Greece and Italy met in Berlin to discuss the project implementation of all intellectual outputs‘ activities in the highest quality possible as well as the issues related to the dissemination and risk management.

The TOUR2Include project is funded by European Union within Erasmus+ programme KA 2 Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices that aims at establishing an innovative approach with the intention to support Migrants Integration into EU Societies by advancing their skills and competencies according to current market needs in the Tourism Sector.

Περισσότερα σε αυτή την κατηγορία: « 1st meeting of the Erasmus+ Project 'Cooking Cultures' Cooking Cultures updates! »


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210 9769510


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